one thing i realised early this year kan,when my sister nisa was sent to hospital was,that it hurt me so badly to know that she was suffering in pain.even though i wasnt even there to see her cry,or to witness the operation and all,the thought of her "feeling" the pain and being frightened, the thought of me unable to do anything to ease her burden and share the kesakitan,and the thought of her having to go through all those scary stages of operation alone,and most importantly,the though of how my mum is feeling,were enough for me to be disturbed every single day and to cry as well.i have always wanted (and "tried" though many many many countless times failed) to be the one whom my sisters can turn to,and seek advice from etc.and the feeling of unable to save nisa then, was seriously terribly saddening,almost like a failure of myself.
anyway,back to what i realised hehe,it was that,what if i can see nisa suffering from death itself?that would be more traumatic kot,to the power of infinity.lets say she dies (ya Allah panjangkanlah umur adikku) if i can actually see and know how she is being questioned,how she is being treated by the malaikats and etc...and the fact of how multipliedly frightened she'll be, coz she'll have to experience all that alone without suport too,imply how much MORE helpless i will be nanti.i cant imagine how i am going to feel if i ever be given the chance to witness THAT.
if we see someone whom we have loved and taken care of,whom we have groomed from kecik sampai besar,whom we have helped and protected from harm,if we see that someone being tortured nanti (na'uzubillah)..that would surely excruciatingly disturb us so much more than if we see him or her being tortured by a painful illness here on earth kan?clearly humans are so powerless,not just for their family but even for our own FRUSTRATING is that?..see how much we actually need Allah's forgiveness and blessings and help?.
may my friend's grandmother be given forgiveness,dan dimudahkan urusannya.amin~
and happy fasting everyone!
happy fasting aleen,fatin,kay,fida,jiha,maryam,aiman,pau,amien,mirul,khairul,osem,hafiz!!
happy fasting bila,ain,ejan,suha,piya,che nat,pikah,kuya,nana,sya.
happy fasting hannah,ainin,zuhra,awin,tihah,mek yah!
i love you all.
BY THE WAY!!its almost spring here! leaves are popping time ni i walked along a pathway with trees and flowers along both sides,and omg,the air actually smells!
i was like,"wait,am i just imagining this, but is the pollen-concentration betul2 high?" gile jakun.
here are some pictures i took of half blooming/already bloomed flowers on the way to uni=D
have no idea the names of these plants,i should go check them out.and there are a lot more photos,maybe i'll upload them later.cheers!!!!
thanx darling still remember me dlm ur post...miss u babe..
happy fasting zahra :D
jiha babyyyy of course la x lupa jiha, mane leh lupa qubamasein=P jiha da tuka email ek?zahra hantar email kat jiha x dapat..
happy fasting aiman=)rindu aiman,take care ok dearie
qubamaseinn!!! hahaa rindunye jiha
aiman! alin raye ni maybe dtg kuantan lagi ahahahha nak jumpe tak?
zahra haha buat macam tempat forum plak kan :) yes you too darling happy fasting i love you too muahhh :D
salam rmadhan tim!!!
h0ws ur fasting there??
rindu tim aaa..heheh..
nice blog..
im rili obses wit pepel lol..
curik page ni kang..hahaha
leen,tu la haha.rindu bangat sama kamu,ingat x dulu bukak puasa always kat sayang salhah or deli hehe.da la kat depan tu ada bazaar ramadhan oh!
why nak pegi kuantan again?terengganu pun leen blom dtg,dtg tau nanti hehe.zahra bwk pegi tgk penyu hehehhehe
medduuu laa,kak farah,kalu kak farah obses ngn people,tobak rama lagi ore lain yg obses ngn kak farah sure nye laaaa.salam ramdhan to you too kak farahhh=D sini best ah poso,dia sejuk so xla dahaga sgt,bukak pun cepat sikit hehe.huhu.missing youuu, lama x borak2.nanti akhir tahun ni insyaAlla zahra pegi kelantan smula,kita jupo deh deH deh?=D
name win ade!hehehehe
(erk, is it me u referring to?hehe)
happy fasting too my dear kak zahra..
btw, i'm going to canada this sept.
carleton university, ottawa, ontario..
biotechnology 4 years.
pray for me too sis.
moga dipermudahkan segala urusan..ameen~
add me kat ym k.
sayang kamu~
name win ade!hehehehe
(erk, is it me u referring to?hehe)
happy fasting too my dear kak zahra..
btw, i'm going to canada this sept.
carleton university, ottawa, ontario..
biotechnology 4 years.
pray for me too sis.
moga dipermudahkan segala urusan..ameen~
add me kat ym k.
sayang kamu~
mesti la awin,siapa lagi hehehe
rindu awin jugak,lama x lepak2 sambil tido kan win?
blaja elok2 ok dear,kak zahra ada rama saim gak kat canada nnti kak zahra mintak diorg tgk2kan awin sana=D
heh budak bulat!!
selamat berpuasa.. may this Ramadhan brings the best in us and keep us that way.. take good care of yourself and don't worry, u've done the best you could for your family :)
btw the flowers totally stole my heart :DD
zahra antar pe kat email jiha?
x tukar pun email tu,
leenzyy..rindu jugak..huhu
aleen n fatinnnnn...
invite me back k..
xleh read ur blog ni..huhu
dear fateenee..yes,i know!the flowers are gile blooming and beautiful!!lawa2,especially the fact that you can really see the progress from them being buds and then complete kembang hu3.bout the family tu yeah,i know lollll
dear jiha baby..oo ooo..sorry2,silap zahra,zahra tak letak "my" ingatkan je hu3.
zahra foward some articles je kat jiha,very good ones,nnti zahra hantar semula hu3.
aleen nye blog she da buat private la jiha..private sero,or da delete..)
hu3..lama x dengar coretan aleen hu3.
haha cik quba', ni link baru ku :D
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