Sunday, April 5, 2009

some reflections of what we are..

ahahaha sorry people for late posts..its not that i have been so occupied with stuffs (i'm still an active facebook member) ..its just that i've been having so many things to talk about but then i kept thinking that i should keep them to myself and express to others whom i'll be meeting face to face..get what i mean?and sometimes i try to type them down and they went up to be so long that i decided that its too long for a post so i deleted them again and again.kenapa laaa begini..aleen,fatin,kay,mary i need you to check my essays hmm..

anyway,melbourne is indeed very nice,though nice is too simple for a description.i'm staying in a students apartment, alone,hopefully planning to move out ngn azeem next year and live together kat another block.=) there have been a lot of open houses and a lot of garage sales lately,even yesterday agnes and ze ying went to a garage sale somewhere,and another one they went last two weeks ago.omg the garage sales here are worth it believe me,so people coming to melb,inform me if nk cari cheap stuffs,i know where=)

the days are sometimes hot yeah,but the winds are basically always always cold,so knowing myself yg tak tahan sejuk,i'll bring along a jacket or sweater everytime i go out just in case.but its sooo kering.reminder to others who are coming to any parts of australia:pakai moisturisers and creams and minum banyak air.if in malaysia you drink 8 glasses everyday,try to get ten glasses everyday in aust..insyaAllah water wont kill you ha3.

one thing that kept me thinking..ever since the last few years people have been asking me (i'm not sure whether its randomly or purposely) about whether i'm an extremist or not..even during ib some people come up to me utk tanya zahra you're not an extreme muslim kan?even here in melbourne i got a few people asking me the same thing..

can i get things some future askers and future answerers/explainers..i dont think there should be any labelling between muslims. and i dont agree with muslims saying that they are not an extremist,coz to me, i think if you are a true muslim or if you are trying to be a true muslim, then you should be an extremist.being a muslim simply means penyerahan diri sepenuh penuhnya to the one and only God.isnt that an extreme already?you dont divide any other attention,or purpose or reason for living other than for Allah SWT.and every single day you claim that ibadatku,hidupku,matiku hanyalah utk Allah SWT during your prayers.if you are a true muslim then you should understand what you are saying.and if you understand then you should also mean it,that everything is really is only for Allah if everything is for Allah SWT,then that is an enough definition for an extreme kan?everyday,you vow to be an extremist,and so everyday you should berusaha utk menjadi one.

its only when the misguided definition of an extreme muslim happens that we muslims ourselves think that being a lesser extremist is better and more closer to the real meaning of a true muslim.coz if you label terrorists who kill non muslims who havent done them any harm as extremists,that doesnt really show an extremist of islam coz they did not fully embody the islamic moral and teachings which strictly prohibited muslims from endangering non muslims who didn't start the attack,and that attacks on a muslim's part should only be for self defence..coz an extreme muslim would be treating non muslims gently and respectfully coz Allah told us to, and would be telling the truth about everything coz Allah told us to, and would never harm someone else's body and properties coz Allah told us not to, and would help his or her brothers and sisters coz Allah told us to and would only talk when necessary and when it would bring goodness to talk because Alah told us to..these are extremes,coz you only do goodness to other people and to yourself because of Allah,and because you bow to Allah's orders and not to anyone or anything else.everything that you do is not because of a simple lust, instead you develop your lust and your wants and your characteristics/personality in line with what Allah told you to be.i think that's extreme enough, and yes we should be an extreme in seeking and doing be proud to be one(and be proud to try to be one).=)

and talking about a true muslim,learning the meaning of Qur'an and hadiths is an obligation for all muslims,so all of us should study and understand what being a muslim stands for, and practice it.we always admire those people who have reverted to Islam,thinking that they have gone through all the thinking and learning processes and finally achieved their best own decision and understanding of the true belief so they have reached a high level of kemanisan iman..but that is actually compulsary for all of us,not just for a non muslim who is seeking the truth but also for us muslims who also should be seeking.

one of the reasons for syirik is because of mengikut the footsteps of nenek moyang.the people of jahiliyyah followed the teachings and actions of their fathers without questioning and,what would you do if you're not borned and raised as a muslim?..would you simply follow your parents' religions and beliefs without further studying them?ask yourselves..maybe because you're scared they'd disown you if you convert to another religion or something of your own personal conflicts..

dont you think that if you claim to be a muslim,just because you're borned as one and not because you really understand it and fully practise it,then you'd kinda be just the same as mengikut the footsteps of others and the nenek moyangs which thus means that you're not really a true muslim?...

then you cant just simply claim that you'll get to heaven jugak in the end coz you've already stated the kalimah syahadah and thus you're officially a muslim already. that is truely a lie,you're lying to yourself and to others, but of course never to Allah swt..dont expect much happy endings if you're only a muslim by words and physical..we need to seek it too,not just a non is indeed a kewajiban,so dont take it easy.learn.and learn some more..


Anonymous said... shouldn't say to be a true muslim you have to be an extremist...

To be a true muslim you have to priorities more on Islamic values and belief...not become extreme...

The word "extremist" is not right to describe how we should be to be a true muslim...

Because the word "extremist" takes on a whole new meaning...and extremist is highly unIslamic...

Extremist means a person who exhibits a certain character or behaviour or does certain "strange" things continuously like a crazy person but lacks in knowledge, Islamic knowledge especially, and thinking capacity...

They are basically people who are brainwashed by wrong facts and figures, and cannot think by themselves...

And these people are completely different from "alim" people...

Fatimah said...

naah,i dont think so la extremist is a person who does things to the extreme laa..if you're brainwashed by the wrong facts then youre basicaly misguided already,out of the perfect straight line dah.its like if you draw a line,and each end is the extremes and one is the correct extreme and the other is the wrong extreme of like,once you're misguided from the true teachings,then you never were in the line in the first memang out of the line dah,so you cant put them in the comparison levels of a straight line of extremes...maybe can put them to the wrong end ke etc..but i'm talking bout aqidah extreme aqidah is what we should go for..we cant half fully memeluk islam,by taking and practising some values/teachings and tak ikut some fully embodying all aspects of the teachings,including the syariah laws and hukum hakam,all extremely non dividingly for the sake of Allah,then thats truly memeluk islam=)you memeluk islam by heart,by physical by actions and into your soul.and islam means we be an extremist for peace..

Anonymous said...

Hm...maybe your right...

In terms of akidah we have to be "extremist"...but the word "extremist" is not suitable because it has a highly negative connotation and denotation to it...

Extremist nowadays are usually seen as fanatics...they are just people who lacks in knowledge but does everything he is told to do by their superiors and basically does not have control over his own life...

They cannot think on their own and sometimes do not even know why they are doing or believing what they are doing or believing...

That's what makes them different from "alim" people, where they are "extreme" in their faith towards Allah and they know why they believe and the reason why they do what they have to do...

In other words, in my opinion, difference between an extremist and an "alim" person is whether they can answer the questions of "why"...

Our Prophet Muhammad himself we can say he has an "extreme" level of faith towards Allah...

But I don't call him an faith extremist because he can answer the questions of "why"...

Why do people call you extremist anyway?

What did you do directly before they asked you?

aleensie said...

haha darling this essay is already long winded anyway ;)

Anonymous said...

bak kata Prof Michael Lambiris,

interpretation of any word (that would cause ambiguity) in a case law should be taken out first through a good dictionary.

kalau macam ni, habis lar with your interpretation. my advanced oxford dictionary cakap extremist "is a person whose opinions, especially about religion or politics, are extreme, and who may do things that are violent, illegal etc. for what they believe".

Muslims are taught to be law-abiding. kan3? ha ha

Tapi, if we look at every nook and cranny of what being an extremist is all about in an Islamic point of view, you are apparently right.

But now we are facing infidels here my friend. To use the word extremist to describe who we are, me think, it's a wee bit not appropriate (mind you, appropriateness doesn't mean it is right).

Just my dua puluh sen.



Fatimah said...

ehem ehem.dear droto.memang dah tengok dictionary lah mongok rozz think i pakai guna otak buat2 je ke=P

extreme is not an ambiguity,opinions on religions and politics and doing things that are violent and illegal are basically "application" of the word extreme.

Syed Marwan said...

this coming from you.
*I take my hat off and bow*